Test chamber 15 advanced
Test chamber 15 advanced

test chamber 15 advanced

If you jump off the ledge and into the portal, pressing the necessary direction, you can manage to come up with just enough momentum to walk through the field into the next section. Take note of which direction the field is. Now place a blue portal on the floor below you. Place a blue portal on or below the camera, and come through to land on the side room’s ledge. Place an orange portal sideways as close to the emancipation field as possible. Room 3 has no portalable walls in the main room, and no staircase in the side room. The pellet moves a little slower, which requires you to place the next portals by the time the pellet hits the wall the first time, or else it will disappear and you will have to start this room again. Room 2 has an additional forcefield, requiring a 6-portal combination. You can do this on the first try, but if you miss, you can continue to fall through infinitely until you do manage to place a portal correctly.

test chamber 15 advanced

You need to shoot a portal (the same color as your ceiling portal) as you fall so that you can fling over to the other side. Place a portal on the ceiling and the floor. Room 1 has a lot fewer portalable surfaces. In the advanced chamber, most of the puzzles have been made more challenging, requiring alternate methods to solve them

Test chamber 15 advanced